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Music & Events

Dear participants,

Please take a moment to answer this short survey to assist us in planning the 2020 - 2021 season.

Many thanks.

Please list in order of preference which of the following you feel you would enjoy: For example, number one, first choice number two second choice etc.

Continue travelling around the world to taste different wines at the country or the region of the month
Wine Dinners featuring an individual County winery
County wineries interspersed with world regions
Lateral tasting dinners, concentrating on two varietals per dinner (4 tastings)
Wine Dinners presenting the elements of tasting and critiquing wine – the steps of wine taster goes through to assess of wine, followed by a paired meal
Wine and food pairing – the basics built around a meal
Wine and mood - choosing the wine to suite the moment.

Would you like to participate in a presentation?
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